Top 10 Blasted Tips To Approve Google Adsense.

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10 Easy Tips To Approve Adsesnse

Google adsense is Highest Paying Adnetwork  .We can earn from adsense by putting ads on our site. And every blogger want to put ads on his site and earn from adsense but you must be hardworking to create adsense account  because it noy easy to approve adsense account in asia countries  like Pakistan and india countries .But we can follow adsense policy and easily approved our account.  I see many bloggers which are very experts in blogging and his blog is also very famous.But he is not approve adsense for his blog .The reason is not to follow adsense term and policy he didn't think about to make money through his blog .Today iwill share that how to approve google adsense easily by followed google adsense terms and policy.

Common Mistakes Of Dissaproving adsense

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To approve google adsense sometimes blogger do mistake  .His blog is not according to the google adsense policy. And he apply for google adsense the result is dissaprove  If you want  approving adsense then you should follow below tips your adsense will be approved inshaallah..

1:- Content

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The most important thing of blogging is contents. Write high quality rank articles  .Which is completely unique and not copied  .Share those information which isn't  published before and more search on internet

 2:- SEO optemized Image

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Always Add seo optimized images in blogger posts .seo friendly images mean not copied from anywere.Create your own image For example your blog is related to" blogging tutorials"so make any tutorial about blogging then you take screenshot and put them in your post And don't copy any picture from another site and importantly add image in your post if more required then add more pictures to make image seo friendly add caption and properties.

3:- Blog Designing

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Most bloggers didn't think about his blogger template/design and then a problem in approving adsense
Put a good template on your blog which is simple and have fast on loading and mobile friendly and have no stupid widgets and do a beautiful look to your blog  because Google doesn't approve  Poorly Design blog .

4:- High Level Domain

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Buy a good domain for your blog .because by domain visiters will more interested on your blog and google also do more value to your blog hai if you have domain then you have more problem on approving adsense .Use high level domain on your blog
.Com .Net .In .Org Etc

5:- Increase Traffic

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If you have better traffic and your blog is on high rank on google mean daily gained 200-300 visiters from google then you can easily approve your adsense also on. domain .If you have not good traffic from search engines then don't apply for adsense.

6:- Approve In 1 Month

google adsense approval trick

You all know i say above that adsense policy in  asian countries like Pakistan and India is very strict and also know that we cannot apply for adsense before 6 months.When on my blog adsense approved in 2 months So i don't believe on adsense that approved in six months and iam 100 percent sure that when i make new blog i will be approved the adsense in 1 month .you can also approve your adsense in 1 month but you should follow the following tips..

7:- Add Important Pages

You should be add Privacy,Policy,Contact Us,About us ka pages.By this the blog look like professional .

8:- Adsense Supported Languge

Your blog must be in adsense supported language . If your blog is not adsense supported language  then adsense didn't give you approvel.  in first days adsense support very less languages .but now days Adsense all languages  ..

Tips 9:-Drive Orignal Traffic

Don't buy paid visiters for your blog  there is some sites on internet which give us paid giving money.  these Traffic/Visitor is very dangerous for our blog  we must be take original traffic which is essential for our blog.

Tips 10:- Adsense Term/Policy

Must read adsense term and policy.  If we cannot follow adsense terms and policy then our  adsense will be banned most of bloggers have banned adsense because he followed only terms and policy before approving abd donot read terms/policy after approved  which result that will be banned
If you want to be approved adsense for your blog then must read the tips and follow this tips

 i hope it will be very helpful  please subscribe our YouTube and! Dailymotion channel and facebook page for more updates.